So you want to brew some beer? Well, you’ve come to the right place! This article will touch on everything you need to know to get started on your homebrewing journey.
Brewing your own beer is not as intimidating as you may think, and most problems can be avoided by following basic sanitizing procedures.
Getting Started
A good starting point for most people would be to pick up an extract kit. These kits require minimal equipment, are easy to make, are relatively cheap, so it’s not the end of the world if your first batch ends up having to be tossed.
Equipment needed for an extract kit:
- Primary Fermenter (a 23 L food grade plastic bucket)
- Secondary Fermenter (Carboy) - Optional
- Bung and Airlock
- A large Mixing Spoon
- Bottles
- Sanitizer
- Siphon Hose
- Bottle Filler
- Auto Siphon (optional)
Or simply pick up a BrewHQ Starter kit!
What you will get in your extract kit:
- Hopped Liquid Malt Extract
- Yeast
Other ingredients you will need:
- 1 kg of Corn Sugar (for fermenting)
- 1.3 kg of Liquid Malt Extract - optional (in place of corn sugar)
- Priming sugar (for bottling)
The Process
STEP 1In a sanitized fermenter (a carboy is a good option for this type of kit), mix your hopped malt extract from the kit into some hot water until it’s all mixed. |
STEP 2Add your 1 kg corn sugar or your 1.3 kg of malt extract. |
STEP 3Top up to 23 L with cold water. |
STEP 4When the mixture is at or below room temperature, add the yeast. |
STEP 5Put some water in your airlock and attach it to the carboy for 7-14 days. |
STEP 6Siphon into a secondary bucket and mix in priming sugar. |
STEP 7Fill bottles, cap, and let sit for 2 weeks to carbonate. Chill & enjoy! |
Note: Make sure everything that come in contact with your beer is thoroughly sanitized.
If eventually you would like to move to more advanced brewing, a partial mash beer kit is the right way to go. It doesn’t require much more equipment, and the process still isn’t very time consuming.
You can watch our video on partial mash kits here:
For those of you who really get into it and wanna take it to another level, give our Moving From Extract to All-Grain article a read.