Beer Recipe Kit - Old Ale (All Grain) Vacuum Sealed*

Beer Recipe Kit - Old Ale (All Grain) Vacuum Sealed*


Due to seasonal availability, hops and grains may be substituted if necessary.

If whole or crushed option is not defined, it will be defaulted to crushed.

An Old Ale is known for its moderate to significant alcohol strength, although not overwhelming. Generally the focus of this style is for a nice balance of maltiness. This style is known for its malt complexity to warm you up on a cold winter night. The beer can have alcohol and oxidative notes comparable to Sherry or Port. The colour is light amber to very dark red-brown (may be darker due to oxidation) and can be opaque or transparent. 

OG 1.073 | FG 1.015  | ABV 7.5% | 48 IBU | 14 SRM
OG based on 80% efficiency.
All values are approximate.

Available in 23 L (6 gallon) or 19 L (5 gallon) batch sizes. 

Our Beer Kit Recipes include all the ingredients necessary to make your own batch of hand crafted beer. 

What You'll Get: 

  • Bag of milled grains
  • 1-3 packages of hops (depending on recipe)
  • Recipe with mash temperature, hop schedule and target gravities.

It should be noted that some advanced equipment and knowledge is necessary to produce this beer kit.

*While all of our recipes leave the warehouse fully vacuum sealed, shipping conditions vary and could affect the appearance (but not the freshness) upon arrival. 

Old Ale Tout Grains

Disponible en lot de 23L (6 Gal) ou de 19L (5 Gal)

Malt doux, esters fruités, fruits secs, caramel, mélasse. Il peut y avoir de légères notes d'arômes de chocolat ou de malt grillé. Ce style est maltée, mais il peut y avoir du houblon. L'amertume dépend souvent de la quantité de vieillissement. Corps moyen à plein et carbonatation faible à modérée. Une acidité légère et un tanin léger peuvent être présents si elle est vieillie.  

  • Sac de grains
  • 1-3 sachet d'houblons (dépendament de la recette)
  • Instructions

*NOTE* Équipement et sagesse de bière avancé nécessaire pour brasser cette recette