Best Case - California Steam (All Grain)
Designed for use with the Grainfather and traditional all-grain brewing systems.
Best Case All-Grain kits are tried and true recipes developed over many years.
California Steam (aka California Common) is a once forgotten style brewed in California before the days of reliable refrigeration. It uses a lager yeast fermented at ale temperatures, for a crisp yet fruity beer. Light amber in colour, the style is epitomized by Anchor Steam, which is responsible for its revival. Temperature and time guidelines are also included.
O.G. 1.048 | F.G. 1.012 | ABV 4.80% | IBU 29.3
(OG Based On 75% Brewhouse Efficiency)
Makes 23 Litres!
*Estimated alcohol contents for Best Case beer assume you are adding the priming sugar at bottling (which contributes approximately 0.3% alc./vol.)