Best Case - Best Coast IPA (All Grain)
Designed for use with the Grainfather and traditional all-grain brewing systems.
Best Case All-Grain kits are tried and true recipes developed over many years.
Our Best Coast IPA contains Canadian 2-row and specialty malts (crushed), 1/2 pound of Cascade hops, and yeast - Ready to mash in and make delicious beer ever time! Temperature and time guidelines are also included.
Hoppy IPA’s might have originated on the West Coast, but the BEST ones are made right here! Experience first hand, the Halifax ‘hop’ explosion. Here’s our version of this ‘full-on’ beer for ‘hop heads’. The hoppiest recipe we’ve ever made.
Not for the faint of heart. These “North American” style IPA’s are much more citrusy than their British Cousins. But beware; at 6.5%, this brew can creep up on you.
O.G. 1.058-60 | F.G. 1.014-16 | ABV 6.5% | IBU 55
(OG Based On 75% Brewhouse Efficiency)
Makes 23 Litres!
*Estimated alcohol contents for Best Case beer assume you are adding the priming sugar at bottling (which contributes approximately 0.3% alc./vol.)