Hops - FUGGLE Pellets
Occasionally we may need to substitute to 1oz YCH nitrogen purged hops.
One of the classic English hops - earthy, warm, and mildly fruity.
Breeding/Development: England. Selected as a chance seedling back in 1861, Fuggle quickly became a dominant force in English hops - in 1949 it accounted for 78% of its home country’s hop acreage. It is named for the grower in Kent who first introduced the variety.
Brewing Application: Aroma. Fuggle is a workhorse hop in terms of style, favoured in darker beers like porter, stout, and mild. It adds a classic English signature used alone or as part of a blend for late and dry-hopping English bitter, pale ale, and ESB. Many first-generation American craft brewers incorporated Fuggle in their groundbreaking pale ales.
Sensory: Earthy-sweet and round with warm wood and mild tree fruit aromatics, Fuggle is a pleasingly mild hop. Late additions and dry hop can break towards grassy. Often paired with Goldings.
Botanical Classification:
Family: Cannabaceae
Genus: Humulus
Species: Lupulus
Alpha Acid Range: 3.0-5.6%
Houblon - BSG Fuggle
L'un des houblons anglais classiques - terreux, chaud et légèrement fruité. Terreux-doux et rond avec du bois chaud et des arômes doux de fruits des arbres. Les ajouts tardifs et le houblon sec peuvent devenir herbacés. Souvent associé à Goldings.
Gamme d'acides alpha : 3,0-5,6%
Disponible en sacs de 1 oz et 8 oz.