Yeast - White Labs WLP005 British Ale Next Generation
White Labs

Yeast - White Labs WLP005 British Ale Next Generation


Now with more yeast, get a foolproof fermentation without a starter. Following a commercially recommended pitching rate allowing you to pitch like the pros!

Known for its use in malty English beers, this strain is a great choice for any beers using traditional English malts like Maris Otter, Golden Promise or floor malted barley. This strain will push bready, grainy malt flavours while being a mild ester producer.

FERMENTATION TEMP. 18-21°C (65-70°F)
STA1 Negative
SUGGESTED STYLES Barleywine • Blonde Ale •  Brown Ale • Cider • Dry Mead • English Bitter • English IPA • Imperial Stout • Old Ale • Pale Ale • Porter • Red Ale • Scotch Ale • Stout • Sweet Mead  
All liquid yeasts are shipped with a 3oz ice pack.

We strongly recommend adding a Thermal Shipping Package to keep your yeast cool longer. Each package can hold up to 5 liquid yeasts.

Levure - White Labs WLP004 Irish Ale

C'est la levure d'une des plus anciennes brasseries au monde produisant de la bière. Il produit une légère pointe de diacétyle, contrebalancée par un léger fruité et un croquant sec. Idéal pour les bières irlandaises, les stouts, les porteurs, les bruns, les rouges et une bière blonde très intéressante.