Beer Recipe Kit - Mexican Cerveza Partial Mash
This beer style is light and refreshing. Part of its unique character comes from the corn used to brew the beer.
23L (6 Gallon) | OG 1.044 | FG 1.010 | ABV 4.4% | 4 IBU | 3 SRM |
19L (5 Gallon) | OG 1.041 | FG 1.010 | ABV 4.1% | 5 IBU | 3 SRM |
(values are approximate)
Our Beer Kit Recipes include all the ingredients necessary to make your own batch of hand crafted beer. Following the easy instructions you will feel like a pro in no time.
What You'll Get:
- Bag of milled grains
- Grain sock for steeping grains
- Malt extract
- 1-3 packages of hops (depending on recipe)
- Instructions
What You'll Need:
- Large pot (minimum 12 litre capacity)
- Water
- Love of beer
Mexican Cerveza
Disponible en lot de 23L (6 Gal) ou de 19L (5 Gal)
Ce style de bière est léger et rafraîchissant. Une partie de son caractère unique provient du maïs utilisé pour brasser la bière.
- Sac de grains
- Sac de macération
- Extrait de malt
- 1-3 sachet d'houblons (dépendament de la recette)
- Instructions
Ce dont vous aurez besoin:
- Grosse marmite (minumum 12 litres)
- De l'eau
- Passion de la bière!