Hops - MOUNT HOOD Pellets
Occasionally we may need to substitute to 1oz YCH nitrogen purged hops.
This American-bred descendent of Hallertau Mittelfrüh is excellent for lagers, wheats, and European ales.
Breeding/Development: Oregon, USA. Bred in 1983 and first released in 1989, Mt. Hood is a sister hop of Crystal, Liberty, and Ultra. It is the daughter of Hallertau Mittelfrüh crossed with a USDA 19058M male.
Brewing Application: With its noble heritage, Mt. Hood is an excellent choice for pale lagers, wheat beers, and German or Belgian ales where a refined aroma with low to moderate bitterness is desirable. It makes a good substitute for German-grown Hallertau varieties.
Sensory: Moderately intense and sweet with suggestions of herbal notes, flowers and green fruit. Can range into pungence with a more pronounced herbal note in some crops.
Botanical Classification:
Family: Cannabaceae
Genus: Humulus
Species: Lupulus
Alpha Acid Range: 4.0-7.0%
Houblon - BSG Mount Hood
Ce descendant américain de Hallertau Mittelfrüh est excellent pour les lagers et les bières européennes. Modérément intense et doux avec des suggestions de notes d'herbes, de fleurs et de fruits verts.
Gamme d'acide alpha : 4,0-7,0%
Disponible en sacs de 1 oz et 8 oz.